A mass tort is a form of civil litigation involving multiple plaintiffs against a single defendant in federal or state court. Typically, a defendant causes numerous injuries through a singular act. Examples of mass tort include harm to an infant due to tainted Abbott baby formula, harmful side effects from a drug like Elmiron, Valsartan, or Zantac, or cancer due to the use of a product like talcum powder. Contaminated water from Camp Lejeune is also a new mass tort case Garza Law Cana assist with.
We understand that dealing with an injury to oneself or a loved one due to negligence from a drug company or manufacturer can seem like an overwhelming task. Mass tort cases are meant to ease pressure on the individual(s) harmed and streamline the process of being awarded a settlement or court-ordered compensatory damages (money awarded to a plaintiff in a lawsuit resulting from a civil court case).
Garza Law is currently accepting a select number of mass tort cases from plaintiffs in Knoxville, TN and surrounding East Tennessee communities. If you feel that you would benefit from a free consultation, reach out to the attorneys at Garza Law and you will be provided with prompt and courteous answers to your legal questions. We’re always here for you: 865-540-8300
Bowel Amputations
Bacterial Infection
Loose / Bloody Stool
Shortness of Breath / Fatigue
Bladder Cancer
Breast Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Liver Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Adult leukemia
Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
Various cancers
Multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Parkinson’s disease
Revision Surgery Completed
Revision Surgery Scheduled
Recommended Revision Surgery
Pigmentation maculopathy
Pigmentation Macular Degeneration
Pigmentation Maculitis
Retinal Maculopathy
Retinal Pigmentary Endothelium
Dry Macular Degeneration
Blurred vision
Central vision loss
Poor light to dark adaptation
Dark Spots
Straight lines appear curved
Less vivid colors
Difficulty reading
Lung Disease
Nicotine Addiction
Parkinson’s Disease
Lung cancer
Chronic Respiratory Illness
Kidney Disease/Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Liver Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Colon Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Rectal Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Liver Cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Mass torts and class action cases have a lot in common, but there are also important differences. Both types of lawsuits involve injury claims made by a group of individuals against a common defendant(s). The primary difference between these two forms of lawsuits is the plaintiffs’ level of control over their case. Mass torts are similar to traditional personal injury claims, where each plaintiff is treated as an individual. Class actions are usually larger than mass torts and often have many more plaintiffs, but the plaintiffs have little input as to how the legal proceedings unfold or the direction the attorneys will take the lawsuit.
Most mass tort cases stem from an act of negligence or misconduct. While most mass tort actions target a corporation, these lawsuits could also name individuals or other corporate entities as defendants. A valid mass tort case must involve multiple plaintiffs that sustained injuries at the hands of the same defendant(s) caused by the same harmful act. This could be a defective medical device, a medication, or tainted baby formula.
A scenario where a batch of produce caused salmonella poisoning in individuals who consumed that product (from the same lot) could qualify as a mass tort case.
Another example of mass tort cases includes bad batches of infant formula causing sickness or death to infants that consumed the product.
Some of the most common mass torts involve harmful side effects from prescription medications, such as Zantac, Valsartan, and Elmiron.