What happens with your first DUI?

Criminal Defense Frequently Asked Questions

What happens with your first DUI?

What happens with your first DUI?

What happens with your first DUI? If this is the first time you’ve been in trouble before, this is the first time the have a DUI, the important thing to do is to get legal representation as soon as possible. Some of the most difficult part of it is just the uncertainty that the process creates. It’s important to get legal counsel who can start looking at your case, investigating your case, and try to determine if there are defenses available and what those are to successfully defend you.

There are defenses to all kinds of DUI cases with high blood alcohol levels and low blood alcohol levels. Whether or not you gave a blood sample or not or whether or not you refused the blood alcohol or breath alcohol test or not, doesn’t always affect the outcome of your case.

In fact, it often doesn’t. There are certain aspects of every DUI case that the state of Tennessee has to prove and prove in the proper order and then to follow the proper procedure in order to successfully prosecute you. If this is your first offense DUI, get the advice of an expert. They will help you determine whether or not what defenses you have and how you should pursue those. How Long Does Alcohol Stay In My System?