How does a breathalyzer test work?
How does a breathalyzer test work?
The way a breathalyzer test works depends on a machine’s ability to measure what is called deep lung air that is found in alveoli of your chest. Some machines have what is called a slope detector which is designed to rule out or determine that the machine is actually measuring this important deep lung air. However, we have also found through experience and through research that the slope detectors can often fail. The important thing to realize is that a breath testing machine is just that. It is a machine. We know that machines make mistakes on a regular basis.
The machine makes certain assumptions about human beings. In order to determine whether your breathalyzer result or breath test machine result could be faulty, you need to sit down and meet somebody who is well-versed in the science of breath testing and those who have the proper training and experience to identify the myriad of issues that can be involved in breath testing.
If you have further questions about a breathalyzer test in Knox County, Knoxville, or any surrounding counties in East Tennessee, give us a call at Garza Law Firm. We have a team of experienced attorneys who are here to help. With three locations in Knoxville, Jacksboro, and Johnson City, we are uniquely positioned to serve as your local East Tennessee law firm with offices nearby for your convenience. Call 865-540-8300 today.